Meet Savage Raven (Skull & Co.)
Savage Raven (Skull & Co.) - For the gamers of today, tomorrow and tomorrow.
Savage Raven (Skull & Co.) was founded by a group of young people who love video games.
There are designers, engineers and purchasing managers on the team, but most importantly, we are all gamers.
When we realize that most gaming accessories are designed by engineers rather than gamers,
That's when we decided to design our own product. Who better to design the perfect accessories than the players themselves?
Savage Raven (Skull & Co.) is born!
Our main goal is not only to create unique and inspiring accessories,
And make premium accessories affordable for gamers around the world.
One of the first companies to design ergonomic grips/protective cases for Nintendo Switch.
If you search for us online, you will find that we launched a Kickstarter campaign " GripCase " in June 2017.
Supported by thousands of gamers around the world.
Shortly thereafter, we launched our second crowdfunding campaign - " Jumpgate " - a fully functional micro base that
It was also a huge success!
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推出預告!ROG Ally X支架握把保護殼、背部按鍵強化套件
ROG Ally X的支架握把保護殼及專用背部按鍵強化套件皆已經在趕工中! 預計將在9月內發售!請持續關注我們的消息。
推出預告!ROG Ally X支架握把保護殼、背部按鍵強化套件
ROG Ally X的支架握把保護殼及專用背部按鍵強化套件皆已經在趕工中! 預計將在9月內發售!請持續關注我們的消息。
即將推出!ROG Ally X升級版輕薄隨行收納包
升級版輕薄隨行收納包即將在9月推出! 請持續關注我們最新消息! 以下為針對ROG Ally X進行的升級重點:
即將推出!ROG Ally X升級版輕薄隨行收納包
升級版輕薄隨行收納包即將在9月推出! 請持續關注我們最新消息! 以下為針對ROG Ally X進行的升級重點:
即日起玩家們可透過給姆電玩預訂購買我們的商品囉! 門市地址:236新北市土城區中央路一段137號1樓 實體通路一覽
即日起玩家們可透過給姆電玩預訂購買我們的商品囉! 門市地址:236新北市土城區中央路一段137號1樓 實體通路一覽
ROG Ally X實機到手!搖桿類比套、玻璃保護貼通用!
ROG Ally X實機到手囉! 最快速跟各位玩家報告! 我們以下商品確認與ROG Ally 一代通用: ROG Ally/SD搖桿類比套 ROG Ally/SD球面搖桿類比套 ROG Ally鋼化玻璃保護貼 請各位玩家安心選購喔!
ROG Ally X實機到手!搖桿類比套、玻璃保護貼通用!
ROG Ally X實機到手囉! 最快速跟各位玩家報告! 我們以下商品確認與ROG Ally 一代通用: ROG Ally/SD搖桿類比套 ROG Ally/SD球面搖桿類比套 ROG Ally鋼化玻璃保護貼 請各位玩家安心選購喔!